Thursday, 7 March 2013

track 018 - spring?

You'd think that March is a spring month already... well, if you live in Finland, think again! We had a snow storm in Oulu yesterday and when me and my boyfriend walked to the bus stop around 7pm to make our way to my grandmother's place, we had to do so with snow up to our ankles. But the dinner we had at my grandmother's place - spinach soup, shrimp and herb salmon and goat cheese salad, with ice cream and berries for dessert - was totally worth it.

My own personal Lettermo has reached #13 already! Since I'm planning to send 24 items, like I would've in the month of February, I'm past halfway! Now I'm just waiting to get some replies... any replies... my mailbox is so sad. I did get some envelopes I had ordered, but it's not really the same.

My Lettermo #11 was a private swap called Fancy Mail with Stefanie on Swapbot. The term 'fancy mail' only stood for mail art and a short letter... but the fancy part stuck with me and that's how it ended up like this. Very wedding invitation-esque:

My numbers 12 and 13 were replies to letters I have received. Caroline first wrote to me through Sendsomething, and Marijke did Lettermo last month! These took quite a long time for me to reply to, but hey, patience is a virtue. ;) Both envelopes are from the batch I ordered from fastrunningfox on Etsy, I really love the colours! The yellow is way more yellow in nature, but the picture I took killed it for some reason. (By the way, I love using Korean stickers because they're full of hilarious stuff... check out the flag in the France - sticker for example and then compare it to the colours on the left of it - that's how they're supposed to be! I guess the mentality for the sticker was "as long as the colours are there, it's OK." I also have a sticker that says "Go fine yourself" - I think the original was 'find'.)


  1. I want mail too. My mailbox has been SO SAD this week!!!

    1. We're probably just gathering loads of good mail karma, and next week, BOOM! So much mail it doesn't even fit anywhere!
