Sunday, 20 January 2013

track 005 - paris letters

This week I received something fabulous in the mail!

I stumbled upon Janice MacLeod's Paris Letters sometime in December 2012. It took me a while to understand what the project was about, and when I did understand, I fell in love! It combines so many of my favourite things in this world:

  Watercolour paintings
  Snail mail
  Did I mention Paris?

In a nutshell: Every month, Janice paints something. You can see examples of her beautiful aquarelles above (If only I could paint that beautifully... I would never ask for anything else again!) She writes a letter on it, copies this painting to all her subscribers, adds each of the subscriber's names on them to personalize it and mails it with a pretty stamp.

If you, like me, would love to receive a breathtaking piece of art from Paris (oh, how I love Paris), you can subscribe at Janice's Etsy page. You can subscribe for 1, 3, 6 or 12 months, and the prices vary from 7,70€ to bit under 60 € for the whole year (that's less than 5 euros per month!). There's also a special subscription called Paris Love Stories, which offers a year-long glimpse to the tragic, beautiful or scandalous happenings of the City of Love.


  1. What a fantastic idea and some beautiful pieces of art as well. Thanks for sharing on your blog which I have found via Swap-Bot. Kathie

    1. It is, isn't it! Glad to hear you liked it! (:

  2. This is such a fantastic idea!!


  3. Yay for mail, specially packages! Isn't it amazing to find more than just bills in your mailbox?

    I found your blog through your swap-bot profile (you joined my European paper destash fun swap :)

    I'm now your newest follower, love your blog and I'm glad I discovered it. Just today I created a blog about snailmail (, I'm hoping to be able to keep it active!


    1. And I totally thought I was commenting on your last post instead of this one, that's why I talked about packages :)

    2. Welcome as a follower, I hope you'll continue enjoying it! I started following yours, too - I'm always eager to see mail inspiration! I'm really looking forward to the swap - my boxes have been overflowing with different kinds of papers for years and some variety will be more than welcome! (:

  4. I am a lucky recipient of the Paris Letters and I so look forward to my mail at the beginning of each month. I am often touched, made to smile, and always delighted.

    1. They are incredibly beautiful and touching indeed! Which one has been your favourite so far? (:
